Monday, May 17, 2010


A busy weekend, but what an exciting time to be working in the field of neuroscience and therapy. I am a PT/Feldenkrais practitioner and have a passion to help bring others to the Feldenkrais Method. I was able to attend the Fibromyalgia Awareness day at California State University, Fullerton on Saturday.  Thanks to Mary Wagner, GCFP, there was a Feldenkrais class offered to the participants. I attended Dr. David Chen's Qi Gong class and met a wonderful collegue that promotes wellness quoting the Tao Te Ching. He also told me that he was fascinated with the Feldenkrais Method and had read one of Dr. Feldenkrais' books, THE POTENT SELF.  I left with many hand outs including a pamphlet entitled, Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia authored by NIAMS. There was a listing for Feldenkrais under the heading of complementary and alternative therapies. This is great progress. I have wanted this to happen since I was able to research the benefits of this work in the early 90's.
The following morning I came upon a blog that is an extremely empowering site devoted to resources for individuals that would benefit with knowledge and advocacy on health and wellness issues. Reji Mathew, PhD is an excellent writer/researcher and will have excellent postings to browse. She honored me with a column on Feldenkrais. 
Sunday, I was able to visit the Santa Fe Art Colony Open Studios to see a very wonderful friend and fine artist that thanked me profusely for helping her move better to continue her art by using the Feldenkrais Method. I have had the privilege to have her in my classes, and she states she directly applies what she learns to moving in an effortless way as she creates her art. 
Let"s see what next weekend will bring.  (photo courtesy of Heidi Halverson)

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